Monday, 5 May 2014

Developing my questions has provided me with some interesting facts I could include in my inquiry. Working with a fellow dance teacher I have discussed my questions and incorporated pointers that could help enhance my findings, something I briefly touched upon in task 4A.

The first lot of questions I started off with would help achieve interesting feedback and collect helpful data in the interview process, however, after going over them a second time the overall topic was too vague. After seeking the help of a fellow dance teacher we decided our first aim was to discuss how the questions can be pin pointed to a specific technique or method used in the classroom, this is to desirably collect important data to start off my inquiry. After adding words and changing the set up of the questions we felt that if the language was assessed and revamped the answers would ideally be more specific. 

Our second lot of questions looked like this-


1. What techniques do you use to tackle a disruptive pupil?
2. Do you find your energy levels affect the classroom?
3. How does your style of teaching change with different age groups?
4. Do you find it difficult to plan motivating yet useful tasks for the pupils?
5. What are your techniques to keep the pupils attention spam?
6. How much of pupils participation is useful to you? I.E reading an extract, demonstrating a move.
7.  What methods do you use when the students levels of learning are different in the class?

As I have explored, with trial interviews my questions may change slightly, some questions may get added due to the data being helpful and the possibility of new topics arising in the interviews is likely. 

With the questions becoming more complex we felt it was time to think at how to gain data from our participants on how the techniques and methods could be used in different working environments. As I will be doing more than one interview with the teachers I felt it a good idea to prepare some more questions for the second one. Although these will indefinitely change due to the data collected from the first interview, they can act a base for whats to come-

1. Do you find it hard to experiment with new techniques?
2. How do your teaching methods develop ?
3. Do you learn new possible styles to use from observing different teachers?
4. Does communication with other colleagues aid you to learning new techniques and methods?

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