Saturday, 7 December 2013

Task 2b- Journal writing experience.

I have been writing my journal for some time now and have experienced a substantial about of new writing techniques I rarely use. I found it very easy to go straight into a dear diary frame of writing however, if I was to learn more about different writing components I was to step out of my comfort zone and test myself. I tried many different styles, lists, diagrams, evaluation, description, what if? It broaden my mind to record experiences, feelings, thoughts in such a different way to what I was used to.

This style of writing is what I thought I preferred, as it's what I'm used to. It's very easy to describe what happened in your own way  as it's your perspective. To record information as what? Where? When? I find very complex as there's not much thinking needed behind it. I have always been a descriptive writers and feel my attention to detail when writing about events, emotions, sights etc, is very strong. I like to let the reader paint a picture of what I'm describing in their head, in their own way with the elements of the writing included. I have noticed within the first few entries in mine journal I describe at least one main event that happened throughout the day. For example-

Monday. Whilst at work on my break I like to scan the internet, I look at a news websites for example or catch up on the day to day running my friends post on Facebook every 5 minutes. A video of a parents watching day at a ballet class in china got posted just as I was scrolling, within a few minutes I was fixated on the video. The leaps and turns, and pas de duex, the pointe work that they were performing in the medium sized room to an audience was incredible. The girls wore beautiful leotards with pristine pointe shoes. The boys we're clean cut with matching uniforms never a beat out of time with each other, It reminded me of soldiers.

Here was a little extract from an entry I did the second day of writing. I describe a lot of the components that descriptive writing uses, where, what, why, who. I used description of their clothes, the room, who was there etc. when writing this it just seemed to flow, not thinking about what should I say next, and I thought. Why is this? Has descriptive writing been drummed into me ever since my creative writing English class at school? Or do I find it easier to just describe in full what I feel, think and see? Everyone has their own comfort zone, I knew this style of writing was mine, but I was determined to experiment with the other styles.

I used lists halfway through an entry into my journal a few days after I started writing. At first I just listed a few things. And then using it again and again I started to expand, and makes lists off another list, I also started to add lists of how I felt about the situation. This was very alien to me, as I'm not a list person. I try a to do list to stick by however it doesn't seem to work, I get distracted by something. I find lists don't hold enough description of that subject, there very good at quickly listing something down but not remembering the finer details.

Graphs, charts and diagrams
I used this style of writing a lot within my journal. I felt it helped me to see a structure in my day, a map of feelings throughout and my reactions to each encounter. Thoughts and feelings spammed off from my first original entry and I started to ask questions within that first original thought. It awoken my brain to think about different thoughts for different subjects or questions, I found my writing flowed easier with this style rather than lists. I started to use this a lot more within my writing, why? I think maybe because I gained more exercise within my brain discovering different feelings to what I originally wrote, and found myself presently surprised by my results.

What if?
Within my writing I already ask a lot of questions, why? I don't know. See another question. I always like to ask questions in whatever I do during the day, I like to understand things and learn more especially since enrol long on this course. It helps me to reflect on what I already know and encourages me to learn more about something I didn't thoroughly understand. I find asking yourself questions within writing can expand your brain to think more about the subject your writing about, and if you don't know the answer to your question it will prompt you to search and discover more than what you knew already.

Initial reaction
I didn't use this technique so much than the others as for some reason it didn't sit well with my flow of writing. I felt I had to stop and evaluate the situation too much and find depth In something had already discussed and explained. I felt sometimes I was repeating myself too much, explaining something that I had already said.

Another view
Again another style I found difficult as I couldn't explain how someone saw that situation as I didn't know. People explain their feelings however the don't explain further how they felt about one particular situation, or what they saw through their own eyes. I felt like I was guessing a lot throughout speaking from another persons view.

Overall experience
I have learnt a lot of new techniques to use whilst writing that I wouldn't usually use. I feel the chart, diagrams and graphs style a big learning kerb for me as it's something I never would have used to record feelings, situations, questions and answers. It unlocked a whole new door within the paths of my brain, I found myself exploring different feelings and stemming off ideas creating new opinions and thoughts. I used this a lot throughout my journal writing, as it was quick yet much more effective than writing for a while.    

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