Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Interesting ideas to help!

Some ideas:)
After looking into using different reinforcement in the classroom and dance studio i decided to take a little explore of the internet and find creative and interesting rewards to use alongside positive reinforcement.

 Love this idea as it's a very visual and colourful object for children to become intrigued in. After successfully using positive reinforcement and the reward was a sticker on a chart like this there is a clear visual indication as to why they received the praise and a prompt to carry out this desired behaviour without being asked. 

This is very similar to the traffic light system that my classroom uses however the visual and use of pegs is a very interesting twist on the simple use of red, amber green stages and

the simplicity of words on each step.
Overtime the desired effect is that the chart becomes a familiar presence in the classroom and that any disruptive behaviour the children instantly know the consequences. 

I also found this blog of a mother who has some excellent ideas, http://meaningfulmama.com/2014/10/15-positive-reinforcement-ideas-kids.html

Monday, 6 April 2015

Thoughts and possibilities for professional artefact....

Hmmmm the possibilities?

Im starting to look at the different options for my professional artefact. I want the artefact to be available to other practitioners like myself who would find my inquiry helpful or interesting, which narrows the options a little. 

I'm floating around with the idea of a website where my findings can be found along with a contents page with different options for my audience. I want to involve excerpts from the litrature I used that i found extremely helpful, with the possibility of including links to step by step examples of using different methods and strategies that I came across whilst carrying out my research.

I want it to be a helpful tool for practitioners where not only my research is presented but an option for an open discussion to form of experiences and examples from different teachers and to share knowledge with one another.